miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

Post 7

Hello my dear bloggers, today I will talk about my bucket list.
Well I really don´t have a bucket list because I have always thought that our future is uncertain. I have some goals, but I´m open to that this goals could change. 
A goal that I proposed was study architecture, I was studing a career that I really didn´t like and I propused myself to take the PSU and change career despite of my family opinion, because they were against, because I was in third year. All this process was so hard, but I succeeded at the end!.
Other goal that I had was travel, one day my boyfriend invited me with his family to a trip and I wasn´t expecting it. For this I say that the life gives us surprises. I also would like travel to other places and this is a goal that I hope I  could reach one day, again with my boyfriend but without his family.
The goals that I haven´t done yet are improve my keyboard skills and reach a Mozart level. Other goal is buy a drums and learn to play it. I also would like to attend a Mac demarco's concert with my boyfriend, because we love his music. I  would like to give my parents a cruise tickets because they deserve a nice holidays.
I hope you enjoyed this post, see you later.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Post 6

Hello my dear bloggers, today I will talk about a postgraduate course that I would to like take in the future.
I would to like taking a postgraduate course in the area of technology or sustainability., I think that the architecture needs more innovation about the materials due to climate change. because it rains in places where it didn't rain before and it happens with the snow, hail  or even with hurricanes and this produces structural problems in the buildings or other problems like filtrations for example. The sustainability is mixed with the technology to help people live in different places, not necessarily housing.
I think that the best way to learn is face to face, because it is difficult or slower express some things through a screen especially in architecture because we need to draw most of the time and the drawings are difficults to explain from a distance.
I would like to study abroad, because I would to like know and visit other places of architectural interest, and improve my english. I hope obtain a scholarship becuse make a master. The postgraduate is so expensive and for this reason I think that I would like to work and study, part-time and have enough money for live in other country.
I hope you enjoyed this post, see you later.

Post 7

Hello my dear bloggers, today I will talk about my bucket list. Well I really don´t have a bucket list because I have always thought that...